Life with Kunjal

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

20 months kunjal

kunjal is getting more and more active, she needs a lot of attention now and tons of activites to keep herself busy.

she has started wearing my slippers and walk around the house. She also tries to open the shoe cabinet and take out a pair.

Maa! see your slippers fits me .

last week we bought a puzzle mat with many animals on it.

we name the animal and she stands over that animal on the mat. In this process she learnt the names of those ten animals and also added a new chore to maa's house work- collect the puzzle pieces from all corners of the house.

I can remove the bird's eye

she can also repeat A to Z with us.

weather is getting better now so outings are more frequent,

kunjal has started exploring the park just behind our appartment and enjoys riding the slide and swing.

ha ha sand sand every where.

I can manage myself .Dont come near me.

she likes fishes a lot. she asks us to draw a fish everytime on her sketch book.

she keeps asking for fishes whenever she sits for meals. ( real bengali girl!!!)

Only the fish is yummy.


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