6 years 2 months
This month Kunjal celebrated Korean culture week in school for 4 days. It was a great experience for her to know about korean food and culture.
She went in Hanbok(traditional dress of Koreans) to school and performed .
This month also we had been to Seoul amusement park from Samsung . The kids went along with samsung volunteers to enjoy the rides while we went around with other kids. Kunjal enjoyed to her core and she also went to different thrilling rides which we avoid usually.
It was a great fun day.
Few days back the high school music teacher of her school died of heart attack . The school had a memorial service inside the school cafeteria for parents and kids. Kunjal heard that he died of heart attack and that he is now with God.
Her questions started what is heart attack. I told her its when your heart stops working
Kunjal -- and then one dies? I told yes. She kept asking how he went to God by ambulance or by special car. I told her litle details about cremation and that its ur soul which goes to God.
I dont know what she could make out of all these but she started crying inconsolably . I felt like fool for giving her such detailed information which she could not handle. Any way after 3 rounds of her favourite cd program she forgot about things and finally went tosleep.