46 months Kunjal.
This is the month of june . Its still not that hot as it should be.
Kunjal has started taking ballet lessons from the starting of this month. She liked the dress and also the class as she can meet new friends there.

She and Tanvi goes together so they share a good company we sometimes go to the library after the class. The classes are twice a week but she wants to go everyday.
This month Kunjal also got a new bicycle. Its a Hello kitty(selected by her) pink cute bicycle . The cycle is little bigger for her age but she can paddle well these days and understood the techniques of applying brakes and not paddling in the downside slopes.

This month had been quite an event ful month for us . Kunjal was selected star of the month and received a cute booklet with stars being coloured by her friends.

we also had been to the everland where she enjoyed the rose festival and the water fountain and ofcourse certain rides .

Splashing water on each other.
we also had been to osan park for a family day outing. Kunjal played a lot with Navodit and Nirupam all day.
The indoor aquarium at osan park
See where am I resting after a long walk.
Kunjal busy with her hoopla ring
The kids together.