16 months kunjal
The year has come to end and kunjal has turned 16 months .
Its still very cold here in korea and also snowed a lot this month. This is the first snow for kunjal when she could enjoy it.

Playing with snow
we went to a ski resort too for enjoying the snow. kunjal and me did some sledging but since it was very cold we soon used to go back inside the room , heat up ourselves and then go out to play again.

At yangji pine resort.
kunjal also made a new friendthere who was running behind her to hug . I could not stop laughing by seeing the way kunjal hated being hugged.

With new friend
Another new event this month was the change of our appartment.
we shifted to a new locality and the wall papers and flooring of kunjal's room was specially done so that she likes it.

Kunjal's room at new appartment.
she could not find out much difference but the introduction of lift in our highrise appt made her surprised as our old appt was just on first floor and we used the stairs.